Little Playgirls

Getting off the train the other morning I was walking behind a young girl and her young mother. The girl, maybe ten or eleven years old, was wearing a pink Playboy hoodie and a bag sporting the Playboy bunny logo.
Yesterday, as I was buying my new notebook in WH Smiths there was a whole shelf dedicated to pink Playboy stationary, pencil cases and folders. Pink enough to ensure that young boys wouldn't buy them. Maybe it would be distasteful to merchandise a porn magazine's brand to young boys. Maybe pre-adolescents won't appreciate the bunny logo but despite not knowing or understanding all that it stands for the girls are still attracted to the idea of a cute bunny-rabbit (as adolescent boys, and myself, might be attracted by the idea of a cute Playboy Bunny).
I've never bought anything playboy myself, although my dad has always had (as long as I can remember) a plain black wine-bottle opener with a small white bunny logo on it. I don't remember when I found out about what that small white logo stood for; you'd think perhaps I might. Next time I go into WH Smiths, perhaps I'll take a Playboy magazine from the top shelf and a pink Playboy pencil case from the stationary section. When I get to the till, I'll put them both down and bashfully state, nodding indeterminately at one of my two purchases, "For the kids".
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