Friday, August 05, 2005


[I just found this un-published post I'd forgotten about....]
Some people organise their CD collection alphabetically, some by genre, others chronologically - either by date published or date purchased. Many people have a roughly FILO (first in, lsat out) structure where by the most recently bought or listned to CD resides at the top of the pile with the less in-vogue albums slowly filtering to the bottom. My CDs are arranged by colour.

The colour of the spines of their cases that is. All the blacks together, all the whites together, all the reds together, all the blues together. That is the first aspect to my filing system. The second is that albums by the same artist must reside next to each other.

The only acceptable sharp change in "direction" of the spine colours is to have two albums by the same artist side-by-side, allowing the contrast of a light cover next to a dark one. It is, however, acceptable for a change of colour to take place by slowly blending the colours together. In this way, for example, yellows blend into browns into blacks.

The recent addition of X&Y to the collection thus necessitated a re-shuffle. Previously, A Rush Of Blood To The Head was adrift in a sea of fellow white-spined albums, eventually ending with The Master Plan and then (What's The Story) Morning Glory turning the pattern black. Now Coldplay must act as a border too between light and dark. And so, adding one CD can mean moving several others, giving them new neighbours or moving whole blocks together; thus changing the whole look of the collection. [Competition: guess the neighbours of White Teeth]

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