#@?$£%& Padlock!
It's 08.35 and I'm in the office sat at my computer. "Why's that?" you may well ask (actually, knowing you, it's more likely to be "what's so strange about that?"). Is it that I'm so dedicated to my work that I'll be in the office from 8.30am til probably gone 7pm tonight (got some training after work today too)? That the project's going so badly that I have to come in an hour earlier? Well, it is going pretty badly, but not so badly as to induce me to get up at half six in the morning. No, the reason I'm here writing to you now when I should be waiting for a delayed train into London is, as you may have guessed by my subject, something to do with a padlock.
You see, I had planned on going swimming this morning before work. I get up half an hour earlier (7am), don't need to have a shower and come into London to my gym. All I need is 3 things: Swimming shorts; hair stuff (even this is not a necessity as they have some horrible complimentry gel there); padlock for the locker. As I was halfway to the station I realised that I didn't have the 3rd crucial item. You see, it's just not the sort of thing I associate with going to the gym. £1 maybe for the lockers, but not a whole lock of your own! I alreay have two - the last time I forgot mine they made me buy one as they'd stopped lending them out. So I have my nice big one from Woolworths and their crappy one they made me buy. I even keep one in the office as a spare, just in case.
I could have gone and pleaded with the girls at reception to let me borrow one, some of the nicer (cuter) ones might have let me. But there was a high chance of one of the bossy ones being there and I didn't want to look stupid and certainly didn't want to end up buying a 3rd padlock. So instead I set off to work, taking as many detours as I could, gettin in an hour early. And possibly smelling due to the fact I don't have showers on "swimming mornings" as there's no point and I save enough time to actually allow me to go swimming withough geting up un-reasonably early.
But do you know what's really unjust about it all? If I was a woman, I wouldn't have this problem as they don't even need padlocks for lockers, they have propper lockers with keys and wrist bands and everything. Maybe The Management decided they wouldn't remeber to bring their padlocks? Maybe lugging a padlock around is too much effort for them? Maybe they should let me use the womens changing rooms and showers too? Yes, I think that's what I'll ask for next time I forget my padlock if they don't let me borrow one :o)
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