Thursday, May 05, 2005

Election Day

So today is the 5th of May, Election Day.  I didn't vote.  Or rather, I didn't vote today.  I posted my Birmingham vote on Saturday and I've not got a vote down here (as, I think I've mentioned, I don't live here!)  At first I thought it might be a day of High Alert against terrorism, but then I thought if you wanted to change a government by blowing people up, you'd make your move before election day to give it time to soak in.  Like in Spain.  As of yet, the only exploding that's happened is outside the British Consulate in New York, and I don't really see the point in that unless it was a glazing firm trying to get a bit of business.  Happened at about 3am their time and there was only one person in the building (a security guard one would hope).  Strange.
Anyway, I was wondering if people around the world are waiting with baited breath to see if we kick out Blair like we did to see if the US kicked out Bush.  And I wonder if they'll be as surprised as we were after the US elections if the current political status-quo in the UK is maintained come tomorrow am.
Of course, we may have a Tory PM come tomorrow PM {shudders}, you never know.  Can't stand the man myself, even more so than the other politicians.  Apparently he has a fit daughter though - comes from Folkston like A & K.
Will the world have changed by the time I wake up tomorrow?  Probably not in any way that will help it.  

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