Thursday, May 19, 2005

This and that

Nothing much to say so I'll just talk about nothing much...

I tried to make small-talk with one of the Sandwich Shop Girls today, as it was quite. Asked how long the awning had been up outside, cos I've never noticed it before and it's black with big white writing on so I'd think I would have. I don't think she understood me, or at least she didn't understand the word "awning", so after my 2nd attempt at asking she just said she didn't know. Maybe that's the first time she's ever heard the word, in which case that's my achievement for the day, introducing someone to a brand new word (even if she's no idea what it means and has probably forgotten it by now). How do you explain to someone what an "awning" is anyway?

Missed a good opportunity to play my commuter game Music Match yesterday. Have I told you about my Genius Idea to cut down on the monotony of commuting to/from work on a silent train? Basically, if you sit by someone with an MP3 player, you just ask them what they're listening too. And if they are listening to the exact same track (by the same artist) as you are, then you win. Obviously there are more to the rules than that, I've thought up them all in one of my many bored moments, but I won't bore you with them now. Anyway, I was sat in squeezed in between this guy reading "Aviation Today" or something and a businessy bloke snoozing. Opposite the businessy bloke as a scruffy bloke also snoozing, and opposite the aviation geek was a guy reading a travel guide for Chile or somewhere. Opposite me sat a girl with a pink iPod mini, and as the guy sat next to her (reading about Chile) was also listening to some music, I thought it would be a good chance to try out Music Match, but really everyone seemed so closed off, even the girl sat opposite who seemed as bored as me.

Talking about train journeys, I was pleasantly surprised on Monday to be in a generally well-read carriage. There was a girl reading The Hobbit, a lady reading a Tony Parsons book I'd not heard of and a girl holding Cloud Atlas (though not actually reading it). One woman had Bridget Jones Diary, but never mind. Also there were more people reading proper newspapers than the free Metro one.

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