Saturday, May 21, 2005

Outside Euston

Went outside Euston Station for the first time today. Usually it's just a node between New Street and East Croydon, I didn't even know what area it's in. It's in Camden.

My reason for stepping beyond the boundary of Euston Station was the fact that I'd missed my 9.34am train. The reason I'd missed my train was a composite of two distinct reasons. Firstly, I'd forgotten that I was on the Victoria Line and not the Northern Line and walked the wrong way down the platform looking for the exit. It wasn't where it usually was because I wasn't where I usually was. Secondly, I'd missed the Victoria Line tube at Victoria by mere seconds. The door closed with a hiss of finality as myself and some lady ran towards them. To add insult to lateness, the train didn't even move off right away but lingered on the platform for all onboard to see that we'd missed it. The reason I missed this underground train was because I'd stopped to get some cash after getting off the overground train.

And so I found myself outside Euston Railway Station, Camden, a tourist in a strange land. Resigned to my role of Tourist, at least until my next train, I studied the various monuments (to railway workers who gave their lives in The War) and sculpture slightly older than me. Walking a little further I came across The Wellcome Trust.

The Wellcome Trust are a client of ours and a Registered Charity. Certainly they're the Richest Registered Charity, in their new, opulent, glass-fronted, 6-storey office block. Not entirely sure where they get their money, although I can't see them having to send out hoards of chuggers onto the streets of London.

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